What is a LoRa Network?

Thats a totally awesome question! LoRa networks are similar to Wi-Fi or your cell signal! But unlike Wi-Fi, they are able to send data at pretty decent ranges! Like all radio signals, there are some limitations, namely terrain, elevation, and even atmospheric conditions, but the technology is pretty neat! LoRa is an open source protocol. This means that anyone can make a board that uses it, anyone can build applications for it, and you can deploy it for next to nothing, aside from purchasing hardware! LoRa also has a dedicated frequency space, so you dont need any specialization to deploy a LoRa network either! The frequency changes from region to region, so as not to disrupt already existing reserved frequency spaces, so those frequencies are as follows:

       Europe: 863-870 MHz, and 873 MHz
       North America: 902-928 MHz
       South America: 915-928 MHz
       India: 865-867 MHz
       Asia: 915-928 MHz

So.. Why the bark should I care?

Well strawman reader that I have made up in my own dog riddled imagination for the purposes of explaining this super neat technology, I am so barking glad you asked! The simple answer is: ITS SO COOL! But a more practical answer is that it has some amazing applications! For example, even though the technology has super low bandwidth (super fun reason for that!), it can still be really useful! Say you are a camper, hiker, avid outdoors person.. or maybe even just a humble country dog like I used to be! Cell reception is spotty at best, and its possible that you may go a significant amount of your day without the ability to really use a cellphone outside of native applications that dont require any form of internet connection to run. But with a LoRa network, you can carry a mesh node on your person, or even turn your phone into one, and have the ability to talk to every other device on that network! How cool is that?! What I am basically describing is a cell network that requires zero phone plan, is controlled by you, and is customizable AND scalable to fit your needs! There are also a ton of other benefits and applications! For example, industrial sites are using LoRa technology as a way to link all of their smart devices together! Using LoRa networks, they have created a mesh IoT network! They then send all that data to a thing called a LoRa gateway, which allows them to process the data, and give detailed minute by minute reports of the status of whatever they are measuring!
You can get the hardware pretty cheap, assuming you are willing to wait a while for shipping. There are a few different brands, but the one that I will be ordering from is Lilly-Go. Why? They honestly seem the most willing and ready to innovate in this department. They have LoRa network cards, yes. But they also have the T-Deck, which is basically a LoRa enabled hand held computer that they invision as being used for on the go diagnostics of LoRa networks and programming. It comes with a super duper cute little keyboard that I would NOT want to program on (it looks like PAIN), but its still cool! My overall plan is to use one as a cellphone like device for texting and the like! But they have other super cool products as well, like a LoRa enabled smart watch! And have I mentioned that all their stuff is open source? Thats right! You too can get your grubby little paws all over the code and build whatever applications and software your little heart can dream of! How neat!
Link to their website can be found here!     

Okay Juno.. Thats cool. But what do you need it for?

Well.. need is a strong word Mr. Strawman but I love technology and I love the idea of having a decentralized mesh network that provides me with the ability to communicate with all my friends as well as being secure and encrypted because while you should always dance like no one is watching, encrypt as though everyone is, and you forgot to put clothes on. Ultimately I have a few projects planned! I think they will be super neat, so let me give you the rundown!

       LoRa network on the Jeep! This one is such a super cool idea to me! So if you dont know, I drive a 2010 Jeep Wrangler. I love going offroad and seeing stuff that other people dont really get to see! I also love getting to spend the night in cool places! But that isnt always in the range of cell signal. And that could be a problem. So, I want to turn the Jeep into a LoRa base station! That way, when I am in the middle of... somewhere.. I can still send text messages, and even real time GPS data back to the other people in the party! That way, no one can get lost and we can make sure everyone is safe! How neat is that?
       Smart garden! Hey you! Yeah!!! You!! Did you know that you can use LoRa as an IoT network? You should, I mentioned it earlier! But thats okay! We can cover it again! So LoRa can be used as an IoT network, allowing various sensors and the like to send data back to a centralized source! The plan is to build a modest little server, and use it as a LoRa gateway (really just the LoRa version of a server) to collect all that data and show it to me! This can be extended to a LOT of different applications, and I am super excited about all of them. But the first thing I want to build in this space is a smart(er) garden! By using soil probes connected to a LoRa network, I can get real time data about how thirsty my plant friends are and help them out! I can take it a step further and create an irrigation system based off that data, which is also something I would love to do! But theres more! You can use IoT devices and LoRa to get real time monitoring of weather! So eventually I will be collecting that data as well, and displaying it on a smart board or mirror or something so that when im getting ready in the morning, I can have a super cool, super cutesy, Sci-Fi weather report! It may not be a doppler, but its still really neat!
These are just some of the things I want to try out and build! There are so many possabilities in this space that its honestly kind of overwhelming sometimes! Thankfully, the larger the space, the more occupied I get to be with it! The only downside is that all of this costs money, and I am but a poor college doggo with little to spare. So unfortunetly, I wont be able to build much physically until I can set some money aside for the components. No big deal though, as preperation is key! And that means one of my favorite things! Studying!! Yay! I wish you many happy tail wags while we wait, and I really reccomend you take a look at the technology behind it too! Its super fascinating and cool!